Wood Work is Everywhere  

Working in the Forestry industry is something to brag about. It touches everything from the roofs over our heads to the food on our plates.

Wood Work is Building the Nation  

It's a big deal for South Australia's economy. It keeps construction, manufacturing, rural jobs, tourism, and regional communities going strong.

Forest industries are helping to ease the housing crisis. South Australian grown and manufactured timber are building the homes of tomorrow.


Of Australia’s housing timber, 35% is grown and processed in the Green Triangle.


Of poles, posts and fencing for farming - the forest industries supply 60% of Australia's agricultural timbers.

Boosting the economy. Each year, our forestry sector pumps almost $3 billion straight into South Australia’s economy.

Wood Work is Sustainable  

with every sustainable plantation tree harvested, a new tree is replanted to continue the supply of wood fibre products for our nation

Net Zero
Carbon Future

sustainable forest industries are a big part of the climate change solution

Forestry companies in the Green Triangle are capturing and storing more carbon than they emit, highlighting the important role the sector is playing in Australia’s low carbon future.

The forestry sector is proud to be delivering a clean, green product across its entire footprint, and is the only industry that has an immediate response to climate change through the process of photosynthesis.

Timber is a premium product as it is taking carbon out of the environment and locking it away, creating a renewable and sustainable economy for Australia.

Renewable and Sustainable

Timber is the ultimate renewable material, storing carbon for life, absorbed from the atmosphere.

Timber is natural, sustainable, cost-effective and can contribute to the circular economy, and there is a growing body of evidence that timber has a positive impact on the well-being of those around it, creating a healthier environment.

Your home is built from timber grown from our sustainable plantations, with a number of leading scientists confirming the use of timber in the built-environment will help decarbonise our economy.

Through innovative technologies, South Australia has the nation’s first combined mass timber manufacturing facility in the South East, producing globally sought-after materials, such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) and Glue Laminated Timber (GLT).

CLT and GLT is the building material of the 21st Century and is a product being embraced by leading international architects, builders and designers.

Commercial and Innovative

SA forest industries, are the engine room driving economic activity, investment, skilled jobs and the manufacturing of essential timber products.

Proudly, South Australia is the birthplace of Australia’s plantation forest industry, with wood fibre products playing an integral role in building our nation by producing our essential everyday items, like:

  • House-frames, pallets, cardboard packaging, paper bags, magazines and books
  • Home furnishings like furniture, floorboards and decks
  • Wooden cutlery to replace harmful plastics
  • Tissue, toilet paper, mulches, garden products – even biofuels

Through innovative technology, wood fibre is fast becoming the future of decarbonising our economy and practices through the conversion of wood waste into biofuels which replace fossil-fuel based products in our society.

Biodiversity Conservation

Sustainability matters and forestry companies play a significant role in the health and biodiversity within the environment it responsibly manages.

South Australian plantation estates protect over 40,000 hectares of high-value native habitats of flora and fauna species, contributing to the overall health and vitality of forest ecosystems – these include wetlands, woodlands and geological features.

Commercial forestry prioritises the importance of maintaining and rehabilitating native ecosystems, meaning the native conservation area is constantly protected for generations to come.

Wood Work is Looking for you  

An attractive starting salary. Tick.
Work Life Balance you can only dream of. Tick.
Community life at your fingertips. Tick.
Sweet deal, right?

Forest Management and Silviculture

Foresters study, develop and manage forest areas to maintain commercial and recreational uses, conserve flora and fauna, and protect forests against fire, pests and diseases.

Harvesting, Haulage and Port Operations

Harvest and haulage is the process of felling plantation trees, preparing and loading the logs and carting them to sawmills. This is largely done by multi-purpose, high tech equipment.

Timber and Wood Production

Working as part of close-knit professional team environment, producing quality Timber products primarily for the Australian domestic market

Corporate Services

From management to administration, corporate services offers an array of opportunities for those specialised in law, finance, office management, clerical services.


Chief Operating Officer, SFM
I love my job! I get to travel regularly, work and interact with some amazing people, and, importantly, contribute to the success of an industry that is 100% sustainable and helping in the fight against climate change.


Harvester, Forwarder and Loader Operator, Reid Logging
There is no better job in the world than driving and operating multi-million-dollar machinery, being outdoors and working with a great team of mates


Machine Operator, OneFortyOne
Hearing my husband talking about his job gave me the confidence in knowing I’d love it too.


HR Advisor
I’ve loved learning about the industry and all it has to offer for the community, and especially enjoy working with the diverse range of people within it.

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